Kansas City Kickball

Best & Cheapest Kickball League in KC!!!

Can you kick it?... Who cares!  Let's have some fun with friends and laugh at each other like we're kids again.  Join us in the upcoming season to get active and participate in that game we all enjoyed during recess. Our adult kickball leagues are offered on multiple days during the week, so simply choose the day that works best for you.  

WEDNESDAY IS $55 a player.

THURSDAY IS $65 a player.  

We even accept free agents and corporate teams.  Wednesday night uses a small ball that can be thrown and kicked farther.  Thursday uses the big ol' red ball that we all grew up kicking in grade school.  

When you participate in KC Sport & Social kickball, you aren't just signing up to play a recreational sport, you're joining the best social event in the metro.   We play together, party together, get married to teammates, and even help out local charities. Our division sponsor bars are packed with kickballers after our game nights out, and many times there are other teams there as well who may not have even been playing that night.  

Interested in a company team or any other questions?  Shoot us an email and we'll take care of all your needs: info@kcsportandsocial.com

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